24 February 2016 Today, at The TarheelWriter, we celebrate our 13th year on the Internet. Thank you for supporting us throughtout the years as we continually evolve. I'm on my third computer since the site was first launched. *Shakes head* Technology! Gotta keep up! I have made many friends, learned a whole lot about website design and have read literally thousands of stories, many of which I recommend. Having been online for so long, a lot of the wonderful stories I discovered early on have sadly diaappeared. I have made note of those as I still recommend them. Most, I have a copy of. If this is your first visit to TarheelWriter, welcome! Have a look around. There's tons of stuff here for you to enjoy. 18 February 2016 I have been working diligently on the Ultimate Harry/Draco List ... updating links, archiving stories (those that have the indication "archived" I have a copy saved) and generally cleaning up things a bit. I know it's a bit early for spring cleaning, but, alas, the winter months have allowed me some time. I have only come across one story that I did not save and is no longer on line; hence my endeavour to save to my hard drive the stories that I have come to love. Thanks so much for visiting my site! As we approach another aniversary of the site (the 13th year), I am humbled to say thank you to the tens of thousands of visitors that have visited. I hope you find something you like.